pril 29, 2009 - Usain Bolt physically attacked ("car accident") hours after Rashid Ramzi, first Olympics gold medalist for Bahrain, is executed by the same ultimate death squad

Jul 28, 2007

Doping conspiracy - WHY nobody poses the TWO basic questions - the horrible TRUTH about YOU

The first question
Still the majority refuse to admit how mass media works, i.e that it is nothing but a brainwash tool, propagating the agendas of the serial liars who control it.
This brainwash is the main reason why in the meantime nearly everyone lost the the sense of justice.
It is thus no miracle that nobody poses himself the first question: why doesn't the media give to the accused the possibility to express themselves?

The second question
But in the meantime the large majority understood that the present and previous government parties (SPD, CDU, FDP, the Green) are serial liars.
The reason why everyone swallows the Doping Conspiracy begins by the fact that nevertheless nobody poses the second question: why do those who so far told nothing but lies suddenly mutate into the champions of truth? (1)

(1) An example: Rudof Scharping, president of the German Cycling Federation.
Exactly, the same one who officially assumed the responsibility for the script around the "massacre" of Racak in Kosovo, the lie used to start World War III, in February/March 1999.
A lie which afterwards was even revealed by the conspirators at prime time on their state television. To terrorize the people who had previously swallowed that lie.
Google knows it - see result #1 of “It began with a lie” (2) (Es begann mit einer Lüge):

(2) “it began with a lie” - result #1 today, is the correct:*/

(3) This article was posted July 2007 to the forum of “Der Spiegel”, the major "serious" magazine in Germany, on the discussion about the German TV ceasing to cover the Tour de France, after a series of cyclists saw their career terminated after being falsely accused of doping.
I found no other post or a reference to a deleted post (5), in the 10 pages of that discussion (out of 50) I browsed, defending the innocence of the accused. (5)
This as the agenda to complete the total blackout of athletics in German TV entered also the last stage.(5) My post was deleted from this pageone day after: ¨
So other such posts could also have been deleted.

Doping conspiracy  explained first 2004 by Last Prophet, echoed by almost nobody ever since


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